Which castables belong to lightweight castables?

Several types of castables can be classified as lightweight castables, depending on their composition and specific properties. Some common examples include: 1. Insulating castables: These castables are designed primarily for their excellent insulating properties. They have low bulk density and high porosity, achieved by incorporating lightweight aggregates such as expanded perlite, vermiculite, or lightweight refractory fibers. 2. Low-density castables: These castables are formulated to have low overall density while still offering reasonable mechanical strength. They typically contain lightweight aggregates like cenospheres, lightweight chamotte, or lightweight mullite. The combination of these lightweight materials and bonding agents results in castables with reduced weight. 3. Foam castables: Foam castables are made by incorporating a foam-generating agent into the castable mix, which creates a cellular structure upon drying and firing. This cellular structure contributes to low density and improved insulation properties. Foam castables often contain lightweight aggregates and foaming agents. 4. Vermiculite castables: Vermiculite is a natural mineral that expands when heated. Vermiculite castables incorporate expanded vermiculite aggregates, which contribute to low density and good insulation properties. These castables are suitable for moderate-temperature applications. 5. Bubble alumina castables: Bubble alumina is a lightweight, porous aggregate produced by heating a special grade of alumina to a high temperature, resulting in gas bubbles within the material. Bubble alumina castables are lightweight and have good insulating properties, making them suitable for high-temperature applications. It's important to note that the specific composition and classification of lightweight castables can vary among manufacturers and may be tailored for specific applications. Therefore, it's always recommended to consult with refractory suppliers or manufacturers to determine the most suitable lightweight castable for a particular project or use case.