Hollow glass microspheres are the best partner for paint filling

Hollow glass microspheres are glass microspheres with low density, light weight and high strength. Due to the hollow characteristics, compared with ordinary glass beads, it has the characteristics of light weight, low density and good thermal insulation performance. The method is directly added to the coating system, so that the coating film formed by the curing of the coating has thermal insulation properties. In addition to its low oil absorption and low density, adding 5% (wt) can increase the finished product by 25% to 35%, thereby not increasing or even reducing the unit volume cost of the coating. Hollow glass microspheres are closed hollow spheres, which are added into the coating to form many microscopic independent thermal insulation cavities, thereby greatly improving the insulation of the coating film against heat and sound and playing a good role in heat insulation and noise reduction. Make the coating more waterproof, anti-fouling and anti-corrosion properties. The chemically inert surface of the microbeads is resistant to chemical corrosion. When the film is formed, the particles of the glass microbeads are closely arranged to form a low porosity, so that the coating surface forms a protective film that has a blocking effect on moisture and corrosive ions, which plays a good role in protection. effect. The spherical structure of hollow glass beads makes it have a good dispersion effect on impact force and stress. Adding it to the coating can improve the impact resistance of the coating film and can also reduce the thermal expansion and contraction of the coating. of stress cracking. Better whitening and shading effect. The white powder has a better whitening effect than ordinary pigments, effectively reducing the amount of other expensive fillers and pigments (compared with titanium dioxide, the volume cost of microbeads is only about 1/5) Effectively enhance the adhesion of the coating focus. The low oil absorption characteristics of glass microbeads allow more resin to participate in the film formation, thereby increasing the adhesion of the coating by 3 to 4 times. Adding 5% of microbeads can make the coating density from 1.30 to below 1.0, thus greatly reducing the coating weight and avoiding the phenomenon of wall coating peeling off. Microbeads have a good reflection effect on ultraviolet rays, preventing the coating from yellowing and aging. The high melting point of the microbeads greatly improves the temperature resistance of the coating and plays a very good role in fire prevention. The spherical particles of the microbeads play the role of bearings, and the friction force is small, which can enhance the flow coating performance of the coating and make the construction more convenient. Recommendations for use: The general addition amount is 10% of the total weight. The microbeads are surface-treated and have low density, which makes the coating prone to increase in viscosity and float during storage. We recommend increasing the initial viscosity of the coating (by increasing the The added amount of thickener controls the viscosity above 140KU), in this case, the floating phenomenon will not occur because the viscosity is too low, and the particles of each material in the system are reduced in activity due to the high viscosity, which is beneficial to control the viscosity. stability. We strongly recommend the following addition method: because the microbeads have thin particle walls and low shear resistance, in order to fully utilize the hollow characteristics of the microbeads, it is recommended to take the final addition method, that is, put the microbeads at the end of the The addition is dispersed by stirring equipment with low speed and low shear force as much as possible. Because the spherical shape of the microbeads has good fluidity and the friction between them is not large, it is easy to disperse. It can be moistened completely in a short time, just prolong the stirring time to achieve uniform dispersion. Microbeads are chemically inert and non-toxic. However, due to its extremely light weight, special care is required when adding it. We recommend a step-by-step addition method, that is, the amount of each addition is 1/2 of the remaining microbeads, and gradually added, which can better prevent the microbeads from floating into the air and make the dispersion more complete.